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Some recent shots for Cuyana.

Beautiful bags, clothing and accessories.

The attention to detail, quality and timeless design that goes into their products makes me a huge fan.

Cuyana is located in San Francisco, California.

You can find these bags, and much more at:

I can’t wait to travel with these.



Newsome Wedding. Enfield, NC


Wanted to share a recent wedding I shot back in June.  It was an awesome wedding at an old plantation home in eastern North Carolina.  The wedding was decorated with paper flowers, handcrafted bouquets and thousands of pink dyed coffee filters. It was pretty magical under that tent.


Congrats Corey and Tracey!



So as you may or may not know by now, I have recently moved to NYC.  I’ve made several comments about the move and posted a few related pictures on my Instagram and Twitter.  Whether or not this move will be long-lived or short, I am not sure.  The city is very different from my home back in the mountains. (In a good way!)  I am slowly adjusting to all the walking and getting used to the price of a cold beer!   Either way, I am excited to be here, meet a bunch of people and experience all this city has to offer.

Until then, I give you a few photos taken outside the city this past weekend.


The other day I was able to tag along with Nicole on a little shoot she was working on.  We hoped in the car and drove out towards the coast to a little house.  The area was beautiful. Secluded, wooded and of course right on the water.    We were able to tour a few homes and see some fantastic gardens.  We went in one of the few remaining boathouses and took a boat out to fish.  It was a great escape from the city and so nice to get out on the water.  Here are the bits and pieces of what I saw that day.

Thanks Nicole for asking me to help out!


Hope your week is off to a great start!

Go out and enjoy the summer!



Also… the blog is under some new layout changes. Please excuse any giant photos or poor text layout!



Spring so far.

In the mountains.

New colors.

New smells.

Cool mornings.

Warm afternoons.


Anxious for summer, but enjoying spring while it lasts.


I’ve been spending a lot of time outside with my camera, so I thought I would give you a big dose of what my spring has looked like.

May will be a busy but fun month. Lots of trips planned. Vacations with friends.

The summer months will be exciting, too.  Still working out those details, so more on that later.

Hope you are enjoying the warmer temperatures.




When I was younger I use to paint a lot.  Like all the time.  Mainly still-lifes. I’d paint fruit and other objects all arranged neatly in some dramatic light. I loved the shadows, the way the cloth draped, the colors. Paul Cezanne was my absolute favorite, with Van Gogh being a strong second.  I’d put some music on, grab some fruit and paint. It was relaxing. (Lame, I know.)  The paintings would hang around for a couple months and then I’d paint over them.  (Mainly because I couldn’t stretch a good canvas to save my life and I didn’t want to shell out 50 bucks.)

But sometime during high school I stopped painting.  I realized it wasn’t cool to spend your Saturday at home with brush in hand. Even though I was always known for being the artistic guy around the classroom,  I couldn’t let my hobby effect my social life.  So after a while painting sorta fizzled out and except for a few classes in college, I haven’t painted since.

Lately however, I’ve been working on a collection of photos that bring me back to my painting days. No crazy textures, or  those terrible photoshop-brush-strokes effects.  I just want to try and create the same style and feel, but with a camera.  I want them to be simple. Very simple. I want them to be about light and composition, color and contrast. Its a study and process for myself. There isn’t a story, no recipe, no explanation or moment attached and I think thats OK. I have felt this pressure recently to only take and share photos that tell you something.  Photos that have a purpose. But I wanted to shake that responsibility and feeling. (part of the reason behind the lack of post around here) I used to paint simply because I enjoyed it. (and Im sure I still do.) I couldn’t ever tell you why I painted what I painted, but I didn’t care.  I just cut loose and painted for myself.  So I am going to try and do that.  Set aside time to create and shoot just for me.

I’ll share more later.

The Farm.


A few weeks back, on a very cold morning, I took a walk around a farm.  I love all the different roof lines, colors and dappled light.